Chute-a-Blondeau WWTP

Township of East Hawkesbury
Chûtes à Blondeau, ON
2017 - 2019
Chute-a-Blondeau Wastewater Treatment Plant exterior

The original Chûtes-à-Blondeau Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) was built in 1985 and had been receiving and treating raw sewage generated in the Town of Chûtes à Blondeau since its inception. The existing facility had reached the end of its useful service life. EVB Engineering was retained to provide design and construction administration services.

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Chûtes à Blondeau, ON
Construction Value

Design  2017-2018

Construction 2018-2019

Project Tasks

Design Development

Detailed Design

Permitting and Approvals

Construction Administration Services

The new Chûtes-à-Blondeau WWTP has a rated capacity of 150 m³/d and the ability to treat a peak instantaneous flow of 650 m³/d. The plant was sized to service infill growth within the Township as well as the extension of municipal services to a cluster of homes located on the west end of the village. 

The plant included the following design elements:

  • New influent sewer from existing system to inlet works of the new plant,
  • An influent channel grinder, and flow metering channel
  • iSAM Fluidyne Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) which includes an initial anerobic digestion stage followed by and anoxic zone, and finally the aerobic reactor,
  • Chlorine disinfection system including chlorine contact tank receiving discharge from the SBR decanter,
  • Aluminum Sulfate and Sodium Thiosulfate chemical dosing systems, 
  • Control Building including the electrical room, controls room, chemical management, effluent monitoring and washroom
  • New effluent sewer to tie into existing outfall to Ottawa River
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