EVB Engineering was retained by the City of Cornwall to complete the Schedule “B” Environmental Assessment (EA), preliminary design and detailed design for the servicing of Brookdale Avenue from Tollgate Road to Cornwall Centre Road with sanitary sewers, including provisions for future servicing areas.
Design 2019-2020
Construction 2020-2021
Schedule "B" EA
Detailed Design
Tendering Assistance
Construction Administration
The project also included the detailed design of a sanitary forcemain (2,500m) and gravity sanitary sewers (2,000m) along Brookdale Avenue from 9th Street West to 14th Street West and various reinstatement of driveways and roadways, as well as the detailed design of a sanitary pumping station involving multiple disciplines, for which EVB complet-ed the civil, architectural, structural, process and electrical components.
The design utilized trenchless technologies in a number of locations: Highway 401, CN rail tracks, and south branch of the Raisin River.
EVB Engineering assisted the City in the tendering of the project in November 2019. The low bid amount was $9.8M compared the EVB’s Class A pre-tender estimate of $9.9M.
Construction was initiated in April 2020 and is scheduled to be completed by March 2021. EVB Engineering is providing contract administration assistance and inspection during the construction phase of the project.